Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Foundation Members

Hamato Michelangelo:

After the loss of his arm, Michelangelo adapted to his handicap.  Acting mostly as the primary Turtle field operative, he is often partnered with Donatello's Metalhead robot.  He suffered from a bout of depression feeling responsible for the loss of Raphael, eventually Mondo Gecko talked him out of his depression, bring Michelangelo back to himself.

Hamato Donatello:

After the loss of Raphael, Donatello buried himself in the lab, and began acting as the central contact point for the Foundation members, and the
 other teams nationwide.  No longer frequenting the field, he primarily uses the Metalhead robot as a field proxy, often remotely controlling the robot (though it is capable of auto pilot).

April O'Neil:

One of the oldest allies of the Ninja Turtles, April O'Neil has left Channel 6, striking out as a freelance reporter.  Often passing on information when she thinks it's something that netted the Mutants intervention.

Casey Jones:

A slightly violent vigilante, who has been able to reel in his extremes as he's aged.  Occasionally aiding the Foundation, but often having to forgo such excursions after his adopted daughter came to stay with him in New York.  Though as his daughter has gotten older, and started showing interest in a similar lifestyle, he has found himself able to hit the streets a little more often.

Hamato Leonardo:

While not actively part of the Mutant Foundation, Leonardo does occasionally aid his brothers and allies when necessary.  More often than not Leonardo keeps well to himself, living in isolation on one of the abandoned islands off the coast of Manhattan.  Here he trains, meditates and maintains a sense of disconnection with the rest of the world, believing himself to be a failure as a brother and a leader after the loss of Raphael.


Little is known about her life before she found her way to New York, having arrived while following the trail of a person who was attempting to revive the Foot Clan, and restore honor to the title Shredder.  Ninjara cautiously accepts membership into the Foundation, but ultimately proves herself a valuable ally and member.

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